Not bad for a start :)
Nice bass sound in the beginning, I like that. I must say your composing skills are actually good.
When the drums come in it gets quite obvious you're new at FL, since I clearly hear the standard FL drums. Try to get your hands on some new samples, you can get a nice set of free ones at vip-zone samples (google it).
I'd also like to suggest to play around with mixer channels and FX plugins.
By right clicking on parameters and then clicking 'create automation clip' you can let parameters change while the song goes on, which can create a load of nice effects. Try to experiment with that. By using automations, you can also make nicer transitions.
The song itself was actually okay, kinda catchy.
But yeah, all I can really suggest is experiment with EVERYTHING. Samplers have a load of knobs, and some tabs, take your time to play around with every knob you can find, and you'll find out what it all does. And try out the effects :p
So yeah, not much I can say actually, just keep playing, it sounds promising.
And now back to the vent :p