Greatly enjoyable strange track,and yet accessible
Review on InvisibleObserver's "Significate Epitom"
As promised, here's a review for this ridiculously long and complex track of yours.
Even right at the start, I can that a lot of time and effort was put in getting things just the way wanted , the reversed guitar is a good example of that.
Hm. I have absolutely no idea where the song is going. In fact, you could say that the track has a life of its own, that's how unpredictable it is. The beast that Significate Epitome is is not afraid of any element to move its way forward in life. There are constantly different things happening, sometimes the energy is dropped and we go through a moment where everything is fragile, just a few little bells playing. Very neat.
I keep being amazed at how long completely new things are introduced. The track definitely varies a lot, but I think I've made that clear by now. I think the main "feel" of the song doesn't actually quite match its introduction (it's playing for the second time at this point). I suppose this is because writing the track was spread over a whole month, one goes through different emotional states, and thus causes different kinds of atmospheres in their music.
I am not too much of a fan of the synth introduced around 2:32. I think it's mostly its "shape", if you will, it's kind of rough on the ears in the current environment. I am, however, a fan of the little vocal-like sounds around 3:15, they give the impression of a human trying to imitate calls of some bird or something. The reverbing here sets a really neat atmosphere as well. I actually wish you wouldn't have introduced the drums again there, I feel like a ~2 minute piece of that reverb-y atmosphere would've been beautiful. It would've given the track another segment, rather than a little breakdown, to then go in in the same vein as it was.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not really saying it's repetitive, but I feel it would've benefited from having less drums. I can understand it's tempting to used accessible elements in the song, so more people would like it, hell, it might even be a subconscious thing. I suppose I just enjoy really strange IDM pieces a lot, mostly those pieces that pull away from the comfortable a lot. This song tends to go back to comfortable themes a lot (mostly in drum work and rhythmic elements), and I think it's just that what makes it slightly less interesting for me.
I think some of the breakdowns may be slightly too sudden, but that's probably just matter of taste. I'm eleven minutes in now, and I still notice how much work has been put in the little things one barely notices. I know from experience that said little things tend to take a lot of work for what they are, so that's definitely appreciated. All those little things together are what distinguish a great track from a mediocre track, after all.
I hear some synth work with LFOs on the filter cutoff, which hints at something common in dubstep. I feel this might be another subconscious attempt at bringing something accessible in the mix, but I may be mistaken.
When I get near then end (15 minutes in), I hear another lovely breakdown, one with less of the bells I've heard a lot throughout the song, and then they're back again. On the second listen, I get the idea that the amount of time these bells are used could be reduces just slightly. It may just be that listening to the track twice a row is overkill given its length, so that may be disregarded.
Now when I'm seventeen minutes in, all the various layers have very smoothly built back up, and created a lovely mix of just about everything I've heard in the song, all blended perfectly together. This may just be the most enjoyable part of the song for me.
Then it builds off again, and I am satisfied. There are often songs where you say "MORE" at the end, but this isn't one. I don't mean this in a bad way though, the song leaves me completely satisfied with what I heard, and I am glad I listened all the way through.
Keep up your great stuff man, you're very talented. I'm out because.. I no longer have any characters remaining.