Hey, You just got a five!
And also, yay, now I have a change to write a proper review to this.
Ready? Here we go:
I absolutely love that static you used there. It's amazing how good a simple saw can sound.
I also love cutoff automation on bass, It makes such a good buildup.
Those pads in the intro are really great to. Did you add any external reverb to it?
I love the drum buildup, nice play with hihats and all the other drum stuff :p
The first theme was very nice, (that was the one you wrote?) Although you may have wanted to use a little more 'powerful lead there.
The breakdwon, was as always very smoothly finished. The vocals fit very well.
Then you go to the next theme and you do it so smoothly that you almost don't notice that it's something else. Very nice melody there.
The outro was also nice and smooth, like everything in this song.
Something else I want to say: I've now listened to this song more than 150 times I guess (on the train, on my way to school, and also at home), And I'm still loving it! This is one of the most addicting songs I've ever heard. Keep up your awesome work, although I know you will. If TEH 5Team keeps growing you will get the respect on Ng you deserve. That's it for now, I think I've written enough here.
your biggest fan,