Check out my new ambient track:
>>> Byte Sequence <<<
AKA Cimylium for music.
Occasional electronic musician with a synthesizer obsession, programmer by day.
Age 34, Male
Software developer
Joined on 1/12/08
High-tech music-making methods! Seemed like it might've been related to older production tactics considering it's on paper (though I do like paper). Cool to know.
Oh it certainly is oldskool, as you can do everything "in the box" (software synthesizers) nowadays. :) the MIDI system has been around since the 80s, when a bunch of music equipment manufacturers came together to make a standard.
Oho, and those standards have been honored all this time too? Interesting.
Yeah, it's quite cool, you can buy a MIDI interface which connects to your computer via USB, and then use audio software known as a "digital audio workstation" to tell essentially any electronic musical instrument made in the last 35 years or so what notes to play, along with the ability to change a bunch of parameters in those instruments. The standard has been built upon over the years, so now you can also do MIDI over a USB cable directly on many instruments, and there's a bunch more I could ramble on about. :-)
Hmmmm records/logs/details/docs in image... curious about those! What are those?
They detail instrument parameters that can be controlled with MIDI (music instrument digital interface) messages. I referenced these tables to set up some things in FL studio to sequence a few of them on external synthesizers forum the song. :) It's like twisting the knobs on the synthesizer as the song plays, except programmed so it's exactly what's intended.